Maybelline's Hyper Couture Fashion Show

Monday, August 22, 2011

Firstly, I'd like to thank Maybelline, Avril, and Zoe for extending the invitation to me :D. Since they allowed me to admit a +1, I asked along my beloved TBTS.
Most of the group pictures we took together are with TBTS, but I'm lazy to find it on her blog since she did blog about it quite awhile go.. so check out her blog @ if you're kpo enough haha.

My make up for the day.

Since i wasn't very sure where SOUL was, i met TBTS for lunch @ Raffles Shopping Centre before we headed down to SOUL.

I felt that the event wasn't very well organised due to a few points, and this post will show you just why, and i hope that there won't be such problems if Maybelline decides to hold a similar event next year.

The babes

Problem #1: The day before the event, I received an email from Zoe asking me to proceed to the VVIP & Guests queue since my name was on the guestlist and unlike normal ticket holders, we didn't own tickets. While we were proceeding to the queue, we saw Tiph and her friend in the Ticket Holders' line. (We spotted Tiph cause her dress was really prominent.)
Since Tiph was in the guest list too, we asked her why she was queueing in the ticket holders' queue when there was no queue in the VVIP&Guests' queue and she said that when she proceeded to queue there, the staff told her to queue in the normal queue without checking the guestlist despite her telling them she RSVPed via Maybelline and didn't own a ticket.
So TBTS and I also went up to the staff, and they told us the same thing and we joined Tiph in the queue. Then as we were queueing, the thought of it irked TBTS more and more so she asked me to call up Avril to see if we were really supposed to queue in the VVIP&Guests' queue. Avril confirmed that, so TBTS asked me to open up the email from Zoe that asked me to go queue in the VVIP&Guests' queue and the staff finally checked the guests list and our names were on it -_-. Well, I felt that the staff could have had the guest list on hand to prevent this type of problem.

Blue tags for us! (if i'm not wrong, its blue for vvips/guests, yellow for ticket holders, and red for staff)

Problem #2:
We were ushered into this small dance hall, and the natural thing you'd do at a fashion show is to get a seat, right? That's exactly what we did. However, the seats were really far from the runway, and as the crowd came in, they were standing in front of us and blocking our view of the runway. (so much for being vvip right?) So throughout the show, we can only see half of the clothes that were being showcased. *THE TOP HALF*

We even had to kneel on the puny seat to take pictures and get a better view of the fashion show.

Going through these pictures are way too depressing. We were so far we couldn't even look at the makeup art, let alone the demo from the makeup artiste! The giant screens didn't help either, since we were blocked from it.
I think that they should have allocated seats and only gave a certain amount of tickets because the whole place was really packed. The models also walked too fast for us to really catch a good glimpse at much.

Problem #3:
The smoke machine was on and the lights were too dim! It made everything really foggy and it was really hard to focus on the clothings!

Problem #4:
Then, the fashion show finally ended and we were waiting to leave the hall. BUT.... we were jammed standing there for at least a good 30minutes!! Why?? Because everyone were getting their goodie bags -_-. I would rather they have given us the goodie bags before we entered the hall because we were stucked in the sea of people, with everyone pushing their way to get out. Not.Nice.

Problem #5:
When we finally were able to get past the crowd to go into the room where we could purchase the clothings... we still were unable to browse because the room was so small, the crowd was everywhere and it was really unorganised! (TBTS and i both just stood at once side because we hate browsing when it's really crowded)

I hope that Maybelline will take into consideration all these problems before deciding to hold such a big scale event again next year. I forgot to take a picture of what's in the goodie bag.. so i stole it from tiph's blog!

Stay tuned to my blog real soon because there'll be a makeup giveaway real soon! Products from Maybelline!

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