Lavender Ash at Shunji Matsuo @ 313

Sunday, April 27, 2014
Haven't blogged about anything new with my hair recently, but I finally changed my hair colour after god knows how long haha. The past few months, all I did was touch up my roots because I loved the colour and I didn't know what colour I wanted to get it changed to. After countless of washes for this hair colour, it began to get lighter than it first was when I got it dyed.

I finally decided that I wanted to go a little darker for S/S2014 and Caely suggested a new colour that's in the store now (from Shiseido) which is Lavender Ash. Not exactly sure of the shade of the colour, so you guys can ask her that!

Had my hair in the beanie on the way there because the roots were growing out a little too much, also because I washed my hair the night before and it was all messy because I didn't dry it properly at night - not to mentioned I slept with my hair in a bun that resulted in the not-bad looking curls. Might try texturising it with beach spray some day.

Anyhoo, here's a before and after in the same lighting at the salon!
The darker colour really brightens my face (thanks to the lavender undertones) as well as make me look fairer! I think I look more demure like this as well leh.. hahaha.

I think many of you agree with this hair colour on me because when I posted this photo on Instagram (unfiltered), I got so many compliments on it! My highest liked photo to date, might I add hehe.

Shunji Matsuo Hair Salon @ 313
313 Orchard Road, #03-26,
313 @ Somerset
Singapore, Singapore 238895
Quote "Blogger Yi Jing" to get 10% off all chemical services!

Also, new video up today that I filmed before I got my hair done! Find out some of my current favourites :)